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Candelaria Presents CanArts, Canarian Arts Meeting
CanArts, Canarian Arts Meeting. First Edition: Music and Interdisciplinary Creation The Candelaria City Council presented the project "CanArts, Canarian Arts Meeting. First Edition: Music and Interdisciplinary Creation" on Friday, March 3, at the Plenary Hall. This...
| Publications
Presentation of the book “Interdisciplinary Artistic Creation: Languages and Challenges of the 21st Century”
The book "Interdisciplinary Artistic Creation: Languages and Challenges of the 21st Century" (Dykinson), edited by Rosa María Díaz Mayo, Almudena González Brito, and María Candelaria Gil Fariña, will be presented on Friday, July 5, at 9:30 AM as part of CanArts, the...